A girl just can’t wear enough pink.

A cat story February 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — joning @ 3:51 pm

Meow….. Meow…  Meow..

the MEOW has lasted for one whole sounded berry sad, berry miserable.. i suspected something is amiss but couldn’t do anthing because it’s late. the MEOW woke me up the next morning and i went to check out my cat. at first everything looks fine..

but wait a minute, something is not right.. as i look closer, i saw something..


something is stuck between her legs



it’s a DEAD KITTEN……..!!!!!!!!!!

the baby head got stuck and it was hanging there for one whole night till the next day. daddy tried to pull it out but there was no avail. my cat will die if the baby is stuck there forever. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO…..!!!!!!!!!!

so after awhile, i took  the gloves and  mask ..

its my turn to try now.


hang on kitty.. i’m here to rescue..


i pull and pull and pull… only 2-3cm of the body was pulled out. i failed! so disappointing.. sigh! the the baby is still hanging. the body was berry soft and it was twisted.. there were some yellowish sticky fluid on it.. part of the body has turned black. things looks kind of bad. i gave up and finally we sent it to the vet.

everything went back to normal after that but the msytery is there is  another baby still in my cat’s tummy. will the history be repeated agian??? i pray that it wouldn’t…


5 Responses to “A cat story”

  1. bittersweetxj Says:

    HA-HA jou the future doc. interesting.

  2. pearlysam Says:

    vet you mean, nat..

  3. verycurious Says:

    poor cat sure was in excruciating pain….
    nice blog jou ning.. keep it up…=P

  4. BlazeXLR8 Says:

    so geli…..

  5. sasukekai Says:

    didt know u got a blog..welcome to the wordpress comunity..haha

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